Storytime is cancelled this Tuesday as Jen is out for the day.
Winter Solstice Craft
Tuesday, December 10th 10-12 Ashby Free Public Library
Make a paper dodecahedron lantern to celebrate the winter solstice. $10 limited to 8 participants ages 12 and up. Registration is required as materials are limited. Call the library 978-386-5377 or email hperry@cwmars.org or ashbylibrary@cwmars.org. All proceeds to the Friends of the Ashby Grange Hall go to the restoration of the Grange Hall building into a a building for all of Ashby to use and enjoy.
Lego Club 4PM
Join James for some building fun with Legos.
Right Start Play Group 10:30
Join Denise for our playgroup for crawlers and walkers and their caregivers. This playgroup is fun for the kids and their parents.
Chair Yoga 11:30
Join Roberta as she leads us through yoga poses that are adaptable for all bodies.
Gratitude Group
Gratitude as an Antidote to Loneliness and Isolation
As we approach the darkest days of Winter, it is easy to pull in too far and feel removed from others. Gratitude is an excellent way to address this isolation. It can lift our spirits and help us feel connected to others. Through both a daily practice and an on-going attitude shift, we can make our lives better. I began this practice 30 years ago and it has been a cornerstone of my life since then.
I will be at the library on Thursday, December 12 at 1pm to talk about gratitude. If there is enough interest, I will offer a twice-a-month gathering to share and reinforce this practice. If this interests you and you are unable to meet on the 12th, please let me know through the library when you are available and I will try to accommodate you if a group does evolve from the meeting.
Looking forward to sharing this!
Krishnabai, MSW, LICSW
**PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT therapy, and does not have a religious or political focus. It is an invitation for people to gather for kind-hearted support on their own paths.
Thursday December 12 1-3 Mat Cutting Workshop
Learn how to use the library’s new mat cutter in this 2nd workshop in the Tool library workshop series. Attendance is limited, so sign up by calling the library or emailing hperry@cwmars.org. Learn how to create mats for all of your photos and works of art no matter what the size. The mat cutter will be a permanent part of the tool library’s collection.
Thursday December 12th at 4 PM
Chocolate Candy Making
Have fun melting chocolate and cooling it into fun shapes including snowmen and unicorns. We have a variety of different colors and different shapes. This is a fun activity for all kids. The older ones can get more sophisticated in their design and the little ones can make solid chocolates.
MarioKart Club 6:30PM
Join Kierstyn to play MarioKart on the library’s Nintendo Switches.
Saturday December 14th 10-12
Visit from Bill Barnett, author of If Mice Pulled the Sleigh. Bill will read from his book, share the illustrations, and meet with his fans. Enjoy this fun story exploring the possibilities of animals other than reindeer as Santa’s helpers.
Note: Santa will only be here 10-12, however, cocoa, cookies, crafts, wrapping, and fun will continue until 2.
Saturday December 14th at 11
Toddler Sensory Box
Enjoy another fun sensory box event for toddlers. Participants love making and playing with these boxes and they help to develop important skills. There will be enough time for toddlers to meet Santa, and do the sensory box class, if that is a concern. Sign up is required as materials are limited. Sign up at the library or email hperry@cwmars.org.
Saturday December 14th 10-2 Friends Santa’s Workshop Wrapping Event
On Saturday December 14th, the Friends of the Ashby Free Public Library will wrap any gifts that you would like wrapped for a small donation to the library friends group. Check something off your to do list while your kids listen to a fun book or participate in a fun craft. The friends will be serving Cocoa and cookies to make it a fun day for everyone. There will be crafts set up for all ages of kids to do. Donations to the friends support programming, craft supplies, and many of the other fun things that happen at the library. The friends always welcome new members!